Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! In this season of thanksgiving, we wanted to congratulate our new Student Council Members and thank them for their help during this school year. South Boston Catholic Academy students elected their student council representatives in Grades 2-6. The students campaigned for two weeks and presented their speeches to the student body. We are so proud of all the students who ran for Student Council and look forward to working with our student leaders who will be guided by Ms. Erin Brogan, our Physical Education Teacher. Our new Student Council members have been very busy working on the Candy Drive. The SBCA Students were asked to bring in any extra candy that they got for Halloween. The students brought in a bunch of candy and the Student Council helped organize the candy to be sent to the Military and First Responders. We can’t wait to see what the Student Council has planned for us this Christmas! For Thanksgiving, our students and families brought in nonperishable items for the Annual Food Drive we had at school to help families in our community have a Happy Thanksgiving. The K2 students have been busy getting ready for Thanksgiving and sharing what they are most thankful for and some students said… their family, mom and dad, Jesus, their teachers and brother, playing with friends, angels, their dog, their house and the earth and they are learning ways to show ten in math so each turkey feather shows a way to make ten. “The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continually surround us.”…By James E. Faust. On behalf of our Principal, Dr. Helenann Civian, and all of us at South Boston Catholic Academy, we wish everyone a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving! New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org to learn more about South Boston Catholic Academy.
Quoting our 4th Grade Teacher, Mrs. Kellie Defelice …“On Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 SSG Marco Defelice, a veteran, came to speak to South Boston Catholic Academy students in grades 3-6. He told them his background and let them ask him questions. He has been in the MA National Guard for 15 years and has done three tours, two deployments to Iraq and one to Afghanistan. The students enjoyed asking him questions. They asked him things like, “what inspired you to join the Military?” and his response was to give back to the country that gave him so much when he immigrated here from Scotland. The students even gave him a box of Halloween candy they collected for the Military and First Responders to share with his unit. He has reported back that he ate too many peanut butter cups!” We all want to say a Special Thank you to Staff Sergeant Marco Defelice for visiting our school in honor of Veteran’s Day, to Mrs. Defelice for making this very special event possible for the students at SBCA and Thank you to our students for the kindness and respect they showed SSG Defelice by giving him a standing ovation and for their great questions. The students in grades 4 and 5, also, had an opportunity to interact and ask questions with a Veteran Marine via Zoom in their classrooms thanks to the Travis Manion Foundation. At school all the students did various projects in their classrooms to honor our Veterans…Our Art Teacher, Ms. Valarie Szmurlo, had the students draw, color and make their very own poppies and they proudly wore the poppies they made to honor all our Veterans. Poppies are the red flowers used as a symbol around the world to remember those who died in military service. ... However, the poppies are also worn on veterans' lapels and often placed individually at a gravesite to represent honoring and respecting those who sacrificed their lives in military conflict. Our Spanish Teacher, Ms. Taylor Avery, had the students make cards and write letters in Spanish thanking our Veterans. Gracias por su servicio! Thank you to all our Veterans for your service to defend our nation and freedom! May God Bless and protect all our Veterans! New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org to learn more about South Boston Catholic Academy.
From Ms. Faith Smith…Grade Six at South Boston Catholic Academy celebrated Halloween Harry Potter style. Students entered Hogwarts (class 6B) and were sorted into their houses. The sorting tradition was followed by a visit to Ollivandars where they made wands. Refreshments of butterbeer and polyjuice potion were served. The sixth grade had a fantastic time in both sixth grade home rooms. Great things lie ahead for SBCA's sixth graders. How do we know? The prophecy balls they made say so!!!!!! New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org to learn more about South Boston Catholic Academy.
All the students at South Boston Catholic Academy had a chance to take part in the Annual SBCA Halloween Parade in front of school, on East Broadway, this past Thursday morning. They were so excited to show their family and friends their marvelous costumes. All the students at South Boston Catholic Academy also had a fun time at their Halloween Party in their classrooms. Ms. McCarthy’s Grade 1A students had such a fun day celebrating Halloween! Grade 1A loved the parade, their party, and dancing at their party. Thank you to all our wonderful parents, teachers and staff for helping to make this year’s Halloween so much fun for all the children at SBCA! We hope that everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween! New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org to learn more about South Boston Catholic Academy.