All the students at South Boston Catholic Academy have been busy focusing on learning, enjoying the great outdoors with the marvelous weather and getting ready for the holidays. Mrs. Susan Connolly’s K2A students have been busy learning the importance of Voting, Honoring our Veterans and getting ready for the Thanksgiving Holiday with their families. The K2A students held their very own Voting Poll in their classroom to get an idea of what voting is about. They voted on what their favorite pet is and dogs received the winning vote! One of the student’s dad is in the Army and in honor of Veteran’s Day they made special cards thanking him for his service to our country. In their classroom they have a special place with photos of Very Important People (VIP) that are a part of our everyday life, in addition to our families and friends. K2A is, also, getting in the Thanksgiving mood by sharing what they are most thankful to God for…some said they are thankful for… family, mom and dad, school, my teachers and classmates, pets, nature, colors and trees. Mrs. Connolly and her K2A Assistant, Mrs. Ellen O’ Callaghan, are thankful for their wonderful students in K2A. The children in K2A, as well as some of the other SBCA students, did a classroom project inspired by reading the book, “Turkey Trouble” by Wendi Silvano. The goal was to draw a turkey and disguise it for Thanksgiving. The students worked with their families to come up with the perfect disguise. The students, also, made colorful decorations to bring home for their Thanksgiving celebration with their families. A BIG Thank you to our very kind and generous 3rd grade parents for arranging to have a delicious lunch brought to the school on Friday afternoon, November 18, 2022. Thank you, also, to the parents that covered their child’s classroom so the teachers and staff at SBCA could enjoy this special Thank You lunch. We are thankful to all our wonderful parents/families for all their help and support throughout the school year. "We must find the time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives." -John F. Kennedy On behalf of our Principal, Dr. Helenann Civian and all of us at South Boston Catholic Academy, we wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.
All Saints' Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated annually on November 1. All Saints’ Day recognizes all those who are known to God as Saints-not only those canonized by the Catholic Church. Therefore, All Saints’ Day celebrates all the faithful followers of Jesus Christ throughout church history. It’s a feast day remembering those who have gone before us, honoring their lives and their faithfulness to God. On the morning of All Saints’ Day, Tuesday, November 1, 2022 the students at South Boston Catholic Academy were able to watch their classmates in grades 4A and 4B, who were dressed up as their favorite Saint in the All Saints’ Day Mass that was televised on the Catholic TV Channel. In the afternoon, the grade 4A and 4B students, also, participated in the school Mass honoring All Saints’ Day at St. Brigid Church. They did a marvelous job dressing up again as their favorite saint and telling us a little about the saint they were representing. They also did a fantastic job as Greeter, Readers and Gift Bearers. Our Children’s Choir did an awesome job singing…God Is A Part Of My Life and the grade 4 students sang an inspiring version of…Oh, When The Saints Go Marching In, Oh, when the saints go marching in, O Lord, I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in…The SBCA students, families, faculty and staff attended this Mass, also and Father Robert Casey, Our Pastor, was the celebrant at both these Masses. “Let us shine with the light of Jesus and become like saints.” – Unknown. New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.
The students, families, faculty and staff at South Boston Catholic Academy and in the Early Childhood Program had a fun time celebrating Halloween with Halloween Dances and Halloween parties in their classrooms and everyone was especially excited to show off their marvelous costumes to their families and friends during the Annual Halloween Parade in front of school. Thank you to all our wonderful parents, the members of the Home and School Association, teachers and staff for helping to make this year’s Halloween so much fun for all the children at SBCA. We hope that everyone had a Safe and Happy Halloween! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.