On April 4, 2022, the 6th Graders at South Boston Catholic Academy participated in the April School Mass at St. Brigid Church. Father Christopher Boyle, our Parochial Vicar, was the celebrant at this Mass. The 6th Graders did a wonderful job with the Readings and in leading us with the Prayer of the Faithful. On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, the 6th Graders did an amazing job with their drawings depicting each of The 14 Stations of the Cross. They also took part in leading the students in K2 to 5 in praying The Stations of the Cross at St. Brigid Church. The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on Earth as a man. “We Adore You, O Christ, And Bless You. Because By Your Holy Cross You Have Redeemed The World.” New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org for more information about South Boston Catholic Academy.
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.” Psalm 118 The students in Grade 1A at South Boston Catholic Academy did a marvelous job drawing, coloring, cutting, pasting, and writing the captions for their storyboards depicting Holy Week. Holy Week marks the last week of Jesus’ life here on earth beginning on Palm Sunday and leading up to Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and then to Jesus’ glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday. As you can see from the pictures of some of the students in Grades K0, K2A, 2nd, and 4th, they had fun getting ready to celebrate the Easter season just before they left for their spring vacation. All of us at South Boston Catholic Academy wish everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter season! New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org to learn more about South Boston Catholic Academy.
South Boston Catholic Academy News Third Grade News What am I looking at? - Grade 3A students, at South Boston Catholic Academy, participated in the survey project. Students were told to create a survey question with 3-5 options to answer. They were asked to survey at least 15 people. Then they created data tables and bar graphs to visually represent their data. Finally they included at least 3 findings that they learned from their data. The students put a lot of thought, time and effort and did a fantastic job on their surveys and thoroughly enjoyed working on this class project! All of the third graders at SBCA completed a survey project as their culminating activity for their math unit on graphing and data. Students in 3B were tasked with creating a question to ask of others along with options for the people surveyed to choose from. For example, a few questions students asked were “What is your favorite type of dog?” or “What is your favorite subject in school?” Students asked fifteen people to choose a response and then created a data table and bar graph based on the results. Finally, students were asked to report three findings from their survey. Students were then able to share their projects with their classmates and hang them in the school hallways. This was such a fun way for the third graders to apply what they have learned in math class to a real life context! The projects turned out great, and the teachers are so proud! In grade 3C, the survey project was a great way to have our students use what they were learning about collecting and representing data. We wanted them to show their understanding in a fun and interactive way. Students were asked to pick a topic that was interesting and important to them to see how their opinions compared to those of their classmates. They came up with some amazing ideas! New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org for more information about South Boston Catholic Academy.
On March 17, the 2nd graders did a special writing activity in class. The prompt was "If you came across a leprechaun's pot of gold what would you do?" All the students did a terrific job with their writing activity. One student, Hayden DeGroen, wrote: "I would count how many coins are in the pot. After that I would split it in half and give half to the homeless and the other half to a food bank. I would donate the money because I want the homeless people to have a roof to live under and food to eat. We should all be grateful that we have a school to go to, a house to live at, and food to eat. I would also give them the money so they could buy their kids presents for Saint Patrick's Day, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and Hanukkah. I care for the homeless. We should all donate to care and care about the homeless." Quoting her teacher, Ms. Olsen… “I was not only blown away by the organization of her writing and details, but obviously her kindness! This was 100% thought up on her own. It reminded me exactly of what our Principal, Dr. Civian, discusses during our morning meetings in the gym. She was demonstrating exactly what our school is all about!” Congratulations to South Boston Catholic Academy’s 6th graders Liam Long and Alana McNamara for writing SBCA’s winning essays for the Max Warburg Courage Curriculum. Each student in grade 6 wrote essays on “Courage in My Life.” The Max Courage Curriculum and essay contest are inspired by the legacy of Max Warburg, a 6th grader who showed courage and determination in the face of his battle with leukemia. The students’ essays were entered along with hundreds of others from local, national, and international schools, both public and private. The winning essays will be published in a bound book, The Courage of Children: Boston and Beyond, Volume 31. The books are given to every sixth grader, and to all school libraries. Each student who participates in the Courage Curriculum also receives a Certificate of Participation. The essay contest winners and their teachers will be honored at the annual spring Awards Luncheon, where the students receive the Warburg Fellows Award. This year’s award luncheon was held on May 25, 2022 at Venezia Boston. Shout out to our students in grade 6A for writing letters to pair with a care package for a school in Ukraine. The student’s letters were so heartfelt and kind. We are so proud of all our thoughtful students! “Everyone has a Story: From Idea to Book”…On March 24, we welcomed Author and Storyteller Norah Dooley to SBCA. She taught the students in grades K2 to 6 all about the Art of Writing and Storytelling. New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org for more information about South Boston Catholic Academy.
From March 14 through to the 18, all of us at South Boston Catholic Academy Celebrated Spring Spirit Week. This busy week started off with a week long Penny War! Each grade had their own bucket for collecting the funds. Students brought in coins all week. A penny in a grades bucket is a point for that grade. Penny Wars help generate funds for many school activities planned by the Student Council for the entire school. Our Student Council did a phenomenal job counting all the coins with guidance from our Physical Educational Director, Ms. Erin Brogan. The winning grade received a Pizza Party and 10% of the Penny Wars Fund was donated to Ukrainian support efforts. Monday was Flannel Day and Pi Day… We came dressed in our favorite flannel outfit and enjoyed some fun math activities to acknowledge Pi Day. Each year, Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Pi has been calculated to over one trillion digits beyond its decimal point. Pi Day gives math enthusiasts the opportunity to celebrate their love for numbers and the enigma that is the infinite Pi. Our 6th graders did a fantastic job going to the different classrooms to teach about the meaning of Pi Day! A Big Thank you to our Vice Principal, Mrs. Denise Moriarty, a true math enthusiast, for coordinating this activity for the students at SBCA and to our wonderful 6th graders who took part in this fun and educational project! Tuesday was Mismatch/Wacky Wardrobe Clothing Day… As you can see from the photos, everyone loved this day and Wednesday was Neon Day, when everyone got to shine! Thursday was St. Patrick’s Day and we wore green to celebrate our Irish friends. Parents, families and friends were welcome to come to the school yard to watch many of our very talented students give a superb performance of their Irish Step Dancing. A pesky messy leprechaun visited some of the classrooms and was able to avoid being caught in the leprechaun traps the children had made. We hope everyone had a Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Friday was Sports Day and we had a chance to represent our favorite sports, sports team or athlete… We all had a great time watching a fun and exciting basketball game between our 6th Graders and our Teachers. It was a great way to end a great school week and welcome the beginning of Spring! New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org for more information about South Boston Catholic Academy.
Colonel Henry Knox visited the students at South Boston Catholic Academy. Knox told the students, many of whom had written essays for the South Boston Citizens Association Poster & Essay Contest, about dragging cannon from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston in the winter, and using them to force the British evacuation on March 17, 1776. Knox, portrayed by Archer O'Reilly, was joined by Professor Robert Allison of the South Boston Historical Society. The students at South Boston Catholic Academy had great questions about Evacuation Day, and learned from Colonel Knox about why their neighborhood has a National Park at its center. A Big Thank you to Mr. Archer O’Reilly, Professor Robert and Mrs. Phyllis Allison and Mr. John Allison for coming to our school and teaching us about this important event in South Boston history. Congratulations to our students in 6B who won the Evacuation Day Essay Contest. Our First Place winner was Anshul Kesireddy, our Second Place Winner was Audrey Bahsen and our Third Place Winner was Kim Patel. Everyone who participated in this contest did a great job! On March 17, 1776, the British military evacuated the city of Boston, Massachusetts and never returned. The city of Boston annually celebrates this day as an official holiday called Boston Evacuation Day. On Thursday, March 17, 2022 our 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders had a chance to attend the Evacuation Day Ceremony at Dorchester Heights. New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org for more information about South Boston Catholic Academy.