On Thursday, May 18, the 2nd grade students in the South Boston Catholic Academy did a wonderful job leading us in the school Mass for Ascension Thursday as Greeters, Readers and bringing up the gifts of bread, wine, and water to the Altar. The SBCA Children’s Choir sounded amazing! The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ commemorates the Christian belief of the bodily Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Following the account of Acts 1:3 that the risen Jesus appeared for 40 days prior to his Ascension, Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day of Easter. Father Christopher Boyle, our Parochial Vicar was the Celebrant at this Mass. We all wish Father Boyle the very best as he will be leaving us and has been appointed to St. Agnes Parish and St. Camilla Parishes in Arlington, MA. In addition, as Parochial Vicar to the Catholic Parishes of Arlington, and he will be the Priest Chaplain to the students at Arlington Catholic High School. After the Mass, Dr. Civian, our Principal, handed Father Boyle many cards and Thank you notes from the SBCA students wishing him well and everyone applauded him. He was so grateful for the well wishes from the students, families, faculty and staff of SBCA. Miss Keough’s 2nd Graders put together a book for Father Boyle wishing him well. “How lucky we were to have a priest like you! SBCA will miss you! We are thankful for all you have taught us during your time in South Boston.” Love, Ms. Keough’s 2nd Grade Class. All of us at SBCA are sad to see him go, but so excited for him and his next adventure! Thank you and God Bless you always, Father Boyle! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: admissions@sbcatholicacademy.org for more info about South Boston Catholic Academy.
On May 10, the students in the South Boston Catholic Academy’s Early Childhood Program did a fantastic job singing at their SBCA Spring Concert, much to their parent's and families’ delight. They joyfully sang a medley of songs that included... “You are my Sunshine”, “This Little Light of Mine” and a grand finale by all the students who sang “ABC-You Later.” Our Grade K2 to 6th Grade performed their concert on May 11. Their performance was outstanding also and included both vocal and instrumental solos. They did a fantastic job singing at their SBCA Spring Concert, much to the delight of their parent's and families. They wonderfully sang a medley of songs that included... “You'll Be in My Heart”, “Seasons of Love” and a grand finale by our 6th Graders who sang “Queen Medley” led by their classmate Emmett Shelton, who surprised us all with his fabulous vocals. The 6th Graders were also accompanied by another classmate of theirs, Kanav Vashishth, who did a fantastic job playing the electric guitar. A BIG Thank You to our very talented Music Teacher, Mr. Carlo Bunyi, who sang a wonderful rendition of “Danny Boy” and all the wonderful students, families, faculty and staff at SBCA and to everyone who made these Spring Concerts possible and so enjoyable! Spring has sprung at SBCA! “Music is life itself.” - Louis Armstrong. “Music can change the world.” — Ludwig van Beethoven. New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: admissions@sbcatholicacademy.org for more info about South Boston Catholic Academy.
This past Saturday morning, May 6, 2023, was a picture perfect day for the Second Grade students at South Boston Catholic Academy and in the Parish Religious Education Program who received their First Holy Communion at Gate of Heaven Church. Congratulations and God Bless all these wonderful children and their families in this year’s First Holy Communion Class! The Celebrants at this Mass were, our Pastor, Father Robert Casey and Monsignor Liam Bergin. Thank you to Father Casey, Monsignor Bergin, our Principal, Dr. Helenann Civian; Vice Principal, Mrs. Denise Moriarty; and our Second Grade Teachers, Ms. Kayla Keough, Ms. Meghan Leslie, Ms. Caitlin Jackson, to all the Second Grade families and the staff at South Boston Catholic Academy, to our Parish Religious Education Second Grade Teacher, Mrs. Joan Dixon, and to the Second Grade families in the Parish Religious Education Program and to all who helped to make this year’s First Holy Communion extra special. Congratulations to Mrs. Dixon who is retiring this year after many years (over 15 years) with the Parish Rel. Ed. Program. We are grateful for her dedication, time, talents and love she has shown to all the children and families in the Parish Rel. Ed. Program. Especially those in the Second Grade. God Bless you Mrs. Dixon. We all wish you a Happy Retirement! May is also the Month of Jesus’ and our Blessed Mother, Mary. It is a centuries-old custom of Catholics to dedicate the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The month of May is always part of the Easter season, the fifty days we celebrate in the liturgy the Resurrection of Our Lord, a time also of awaiting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. In honor of our Blessed Mother, Mary, and all Mother’s, A Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: admissions@sbcatholicacademy.org for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.
Learning about Fractions: In Ms. Stephanie Olsen’s 3A Class, her students were introduced to fractions through an engaging game of Kahoot! They learned how to break a shape into fractions and new math vocabulary such as unit fractions, numerators, and denominators. Even better, at the end of the game the class broke out into a round of applause when their classmate won the game! Writing Project: 3A also just finished up an opinion writing unit. In their project they read about the difference between cats and dogs to decide which one they liked better. They used graphic organizers to gather their thoughts. Then, they practiced stating their opinion, giving a reason why, and an example of their reasoning. Once they finished their graphic organizers, they wrote rough drafts. When editing their drafts, they focused on using transition words to make their paragraph cohesive! Ms. Olsen is very proud of the consistent hard work and determination! 3B Store: In Ms. Juliana Sammarco's 3B Class, her students were given a task to make a product ONLY made of paper. They had to come up with a price for their product as well as a slogan and a short commercial as to why other students should buy their product. There were lots of items being sold and 3B had a wonderful time creating and doing this in class project! Book Report: 3B did such a great job with their cereal book report. They created a title for their cereal based on the book. On the borders of their boxes they added the main characters, setting, problem and solution. The back of the box also had some sort of game or puzzle related to their book. 3B were so creative when coming up with their cereal boxes and enjoyed making them! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: admissions@sbcatholicacademy.org for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.